The Road to Vegas

Its all about the video these days with me…

I used to be really into the idea of working with video. I remember about 10 years ago trying to do some movie editing with footage i shot on my old camera cut in with still and stock images as a music video for a track i liked. It was ok, but I didn’t have the hardware and software to really do it properly.

The last video I posted was a huge amount of fun to work on, I did some shooting and directed it. I enjoyed it so much I decided I wanted to try doing editing again.

Recently, the Ulster Amateur MMA Association that I work with and help run announced we were sending a squad of fighters to the IMMAF world amateur MMA championship in Las Vegas in July

A few of the fighters from our club are going including my friend, Carl McNally. Carl became a bit of a Youtube sensation when he pulled off an exceptional move named “rolling thunder into armbar” or something insane like that. It was a hugely popular cli getting coverage all over the world and weirdly, the day before we announced the squad, the website “bloody elbow” reposted the video where it has since had over 300,000 views.

Carl and I decided to do a video blog in the run up to Vegas and we were then contacted by WhoaTV who were interested in running the Vlogs on their site… The first one went up last week and Ive just finished editing the second, I’ll post them here as the weeks go on… Enjoy!

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