Not Really an Update

Time flies, doesn’t it?

I haven’t updated this site or written a blog post in ages. Life has been busy as ever and I’ve been slack about writing generally. I will be rectifying this soon though. I do tend to make New Years resolutions and I’m usually pretty good on following trough on them .

This coming  year I have a new collection of short stories to publish and a novel to finish in addition to finally getting myself motivated to find a publisher for my first novel.

I also wanted to update this website a little and to get back to photography again, something I more or less abandoned over the last few years. So I got out at the weekend, took some photos and since then have actually got my ass in gear and updated the site a little so if you’re bored you can browse the photography and music pages and check out some photos and tunes.

More updates over the next while. In the meantime, here’s a selfie. Enjoy! 😉


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