Why Do We Train?
This is one of these posts that I’ve started numerous times and ended up gong back and rewriting the first part to try and figure out what the hell the actual focus of it is. This post is a tad … Continue reading →
This is one of these posts that I’ve started numerous times and ended up gong back and rewriting the first part to try and figure out what the hell the actual focus of it is. This post is a tad … Continue reading →
I was talking to a friend today about a few things and I went off on a bit of a tangent talking about reactivity. I’ve been thinking a bit about it since and thought this would be something worth writing … Continue reading →
That tile sounds like a complete juxtaposition of terms right? Last week I blogged about some of my thoughts on diet and my decision to try and drink buttered coffee and to try and improve my eating habits a little. … Continue reading →
I don’t often post about diet. I would go back and trawl through my posts to see if I ever have, but I can’t be bothered. If you, dear reader, have any desire to do so, please feel free and … Continue reading →
Years ago, before I started running/ triathlon etc, I used to have a blog that was predominately photography focused but also was a more general blog. Once I started the original “Couch Potato to Ironman” blog, I let the other one die. … Continue reading →
As usual , I haven’t written in a while. I’ve a few posts that I’ve been meaning to write and in the next week or so I may do so; however I have been spurred to write this in … Continue reading →